Q 1;
23 years old young woman one of your patient presenting to you in the office with the H/O Generalised muscle pain and Bone pains all over the body for last 3 months.Recently she found that feeling week in her legs on both sides esp when going upstairs and coming downstairs.Part of your blood tests results given below. Corrected Calcium 2.05 (2.15-- 2.55 mmol/l Reference range),PO4 0.87 ( 0.8--0.1.5), Serum Alkaline Phosphate 124 ( 39 --117), PTH 85 (15--65 mg/L),What is the MOST LIKELY Diagnosis?
1.Vita D Deficiency.
2.Primary Hyperthyroidism.
3.Primary Hyperparathyroidism.
4.Fibromyalgia .
Q 2:
CTG for 30 min given.HR 145, baseline variability 5bpm, no accelerations, no deceleration,
A. Normal
B. Abnormality due to fetal sleep
C. Abnormal and requires C- section
D. Abnormal and need fetal scalp Ph
E. Some abnormality present and requires close observation
Q 3:
A 6 yr old boy was brought to the pediatric department for aggressive behavior and developmental delay. Family history was significant for mental retarded maternal grandmother. Sequin form board test revealed his mental age to be 3.5 years. His blood investigations were normal his urine had high levels of phenylalanine. Which of the following is a valid regarding this case?
a) No dietary restrictions are required in treatment
b) Occurs due to deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase
c) Increased activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase
d) Tyrosine restricted diet is advised
e) Protein rich diet is advised
Q 4:
Which of the following is the least likely cause of iron deficiency anemia in children?
A. Cow's milk
B. Thalassemia
C. Prematurity
D. Coeliac disease
E. Multiple pregnancy
Q 5:
Primigravida gave birth at term to 3200 g baby, normal vaginal delivery without any complications and there was slight meconium staining of liquor. Baby was normal at birth with normal heart rate. After 1 minute, suddenly stopped breathing.HR decreased. Cyanosed. No response on stimulation. What is the most appropriate next step?
a. Intubate
b. Nasopharyngeal aspiration of meconium
c. Bag and mask ventilation
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